
FBI Was Aware of Hunter Biden’s Laptop Details Prior to Prominent Disinformation Allegations

The Federal Bureau of Investigation verified the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s lost “laptop from hell.”

This happened before 51 intelligence experts proclaimed it to be a case of “Russian disinformation” in the fall of 2020, a high-profile IRS whistleblower has now revealed.

Those 51 Intel Experts Helped Get Biden Elected

In October 2020, New York Post became the first news outlet to report on the shocking revelations about the entire Biden clan from Hunter’s infamous laptop. Then, a total of 51 top US intelligence experts rushed to Sleepy Joe’s aid.

The group that helped Biden get elected in November 2020 was led by Mike Morell, a former acting CIA director and the top echelons of the Democratic Party.

Yet, in his testimony to Congress, whistleblower Gary Shapley, a supervisory criminal investigative agent of the IRS, revealed the FBI “validated” the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop almost a year earlier, in November 2019.

Thus, at the time, the 51 intelligence experts – whose letter Joe Biden touted during his debate with former President Trump – made their unfounded allegations. Yet, the FBI was well-aware those allegations were false, Just the News reports.

Shapley’s Revelations Ever More Damning For the Bidens

Shapley evidenced this with a memo he personally drafted in October 2020, offering the chronology of how the FBI already validated the “laptop from hell” belonged to Joe Biden’s son.

According to the whistleblower’s memo, by the spring of 2020, the agency was analyzing the laptop’s contents, such as emails, photos, and texts.

Shapley’s memo revealed his conclusion that there was “no reason to believe” the laptop contained anything which might have been “fabricated nefariously.” The whistleblower has been part of the IRS probe into Hunter Biden’s taxes since 2018.

His revelation that the FBI knew about the laptop’s authenticity as early as November 2019 was disclosed publicly last week. This was after the GOP-led Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives released a transcription of his closed-door interview from last month.

As House Republicans’ push to uncover the dirty foreign family business of the Bidens is gaining more traction, the future isn’t looking bright for the Bidens and their radical Democratic cohorts.

Shapley himself also revealed the US Justice Department’s probe into the first son was mishandled to his benefit.

This article appeared in Mainstpress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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