
Google Headquarters Experiences Catastrophic Disaster

For quite some time now, many Americans have been warning that our country is facing a national mental health crisis that needs to be taken seriously. This comes amid a growing wave of individuals acting in strange and unhinged ways.

Without the necessary interventions, these individuals have a serious likelihood of causing harm to themselves or others.

A prime example of this crisis materialized recently with a shocking incident at the headquarters of Google. According to the Daily Mail, a car driven by 34-year-old Jason Bitton crashed into a building near Google’s headquarters, injuring multiple people including a woman and a little girl.

“Google Tortured Me?”

The reasons behind Bitton’s actions remain a mystery to many Americans. At the scene, there was a sign that read “Google tortured me,” along with a bottle of pills and a can of gas.

The situation worsens when considering Bitton’s social media posts prior to the incident. On Facebook, he claimed that Google subjected him to torture by causing his electronics to constantly flash bright lights.

Charges Incoming

Regardless of Bitton’s motivations, he will be held accountable for his actions in a court of law. He currently faces charges of reckless endangerment, attempted assault, and attempted reckless driving.

At present, Bitton has not been arraigned, but it is expected to happen soon.

On social media, many people are speculating about the underlying reasons for Bitton’s actions. This incident sparks discussions about the mental health issues faced by Americans and what can be done to prevent such crises from escalating.

This article appeared in Watchdog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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