
GOP Plans Interrogations of Key DOJ Officials in Hunter Biden Investigation

The ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings is about to take a significant turn. Two senior Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors, U.S. Attorney Martin Estrada and Stuart Goldberg of the Tax Division, are scheduled to meet with the House Judiciary Committee staff for transcribed interviews.

This development comes after IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler testified, claiming that Hunter Biden received preferential treatment during the investigation. Shapley and Ziegler alleged that the tax charges against Hunter Biden should have been pursued as felonies in both California and Washington, D.C., but they claim that political pressures led to a lenient plea deal for the president’s son.

This “sweetheart deal” subsequently fell apart in court, raising questions about the fairness and integrity of the judicial process.

Estrada, who was appointed by Joe Biden, serves as the top prosecutor in the California district where the whistleblowers believe tax fraud charges should have been brought against Hunter. Additionally, Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, the lead criminal investigator into Hunter Biden’s gun and tax crimes, will also be questioned in Congress behind closed doors on November 7th.

Weiss charged Hunter last month with three felony counts related to lying on a federal gun application form while under the influence of drugs. Despite facing up to 25 years in prison, Hunter pleaded not guilty. This plea followed the collapse of what Republicans termed a “sweetheart” plea deal that would have allowed Joe Biden’s son to avoid jail time.

Republicans, including Representative Jim Jordan, highlighted discrepancies between the public statements of Attorney General Merrick Garland and U.S. Attorney Weiss regarding the Hunter Biden case. The question of who had “full authority” to charge the president’s son has become a contentious issue.

Further complicating matters, IRS whistleblowers Ziegler and Shapley testified that Weiss requested U.S. Attorney for D.C. Matthew Graves to bring felony and misdemeanor tax charges against Hunter. When Graves refused, Weiss allegedly discarded the potential felony charges and negotiated a plea deal with Hunter that did not include any jail time.

In an attempt to clarify his role in the investigation, Weiss sent a letter to the House Judiciary Committee asserting that he holds the “ultimate authority” in the criminal gun and tax case against Hunter Biden. However, Garland stated that Weiss was free to prosecute in any way and in any district he chose, leading to further confusion and calls for transparency.

As the investigation continues, Republicans are determined to ensure that all Americans are treated equally under the law, regardless of their political connections. The upcoming interviews with DOJ officials will undoubtedly shed more light on this complex, politically charged case.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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