
Heartbreaking: Reconciliation Memorial Slated for Demolition

The Reconciliation Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery will be demolished no later than January 1, 2024. This is when the Marxist Democratic insurrection gains momentum and House Republicans are going to fail to pass legislation.

This is a Disgrace

Representative Bob Good (R-VA) has introduced a change to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act.

Regrettably for supporters of the Reconciliation Memorial, Rep. Good’s proposal of the defense funding bill was defeated four days ago, during a late-night session.

41 Republicans dissented after Mike Rogers (R-AL), chairperson of the Armed Services Committee, argued on behalf of the change.

In an earlier press release, Defend Arlington — a group of Americans opposed to the removal of the Reconciliation Memorial — cited retired Lt. Col. Ed Kennedy.

Kennedy said the outrageous expenditure of eliminating the Reconciliation Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery demonstrates the careless spirit of woke defense spending.

He went on to declare that while the lower ranks have trouble trying to make money to survive, millions have been set aside to tear down a memorial devoted to those who served.

That this is taking place in America is difficult for many to comprehend. Marxist extremists violently demolished countless landmarks and memorials throughout the country in 2020 to enforce their agenda on America.

Very little was accomplished to respond as the outraged mob methodically demolished ancient sites. The handful of vocal Americans who opposed the Marxist revolt were mocked in front of the general population.

The Reichstag Event on January 6 successfully brought an end to any counterrevolutionary efforts.

So on January 1, 2021, a change to the Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act revealed the Marxist contempt for American history Department of Defense policy.

The “Naming Commission” was established as a result of congressional efforts to overturn President Trump’s veto. It had also been charged with supplying the Pentagon with an inventory of Confederate monuments that should be demolished.

Destroying History

In October 2021, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin authorized the swift execution of every single Naming Commission proposal.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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