
Hollywood Actress Launches Heated Critique of Republicans

Hollywood is well-known for its left-leaning tendencies. Entertainers who deviate from the leftist narrative often face challenges in achieving fame and popularity.

Despite preaching love, tolerance, and acceptance, many in Hollywood show little tolerance for anything remotely right-of-center.

Actress Ellen Barkin is the latest entertainer to receive attention for her criticism of Republicans, according to the Washington Times.

Unhinged, to Say the Least

Barkin took to Twitter to express her intense dislike for Republicans. According to her, this dislike extends to every single Republican and not just a specific subset of the party.

Such inflammatory rhetoric only exacerbates the already tense political environment in the country. Barkin’s comments contribute to further anger and division at a time when Americans are deeply divided.

A Common Pattern With the Left

Barkin’s outburst is unfortunately characteristic of Democrats. They often call for unity but abandon that notion when it becomes convenient for them.

Joe Biden, for example, emphasized the importance of unity and bridging the divide between Republicans and Democrats during the 2020 presidential election.

However, since taking office, Biden has repeatedly expressed his disdain for “MAGA Republicans.”

Democrats cannot demand unity while bashing Republicans in the next breath. This contradictory stance is illogical.

This article appeared in Right Wing Insider and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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