
More Migrants are Entering the U.S. Than the Population of 35 States Combined

The Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR) revealed its fiscal year 2022 immigration figures, back in October 2022.

Biden Administration is a Disaster

After Joe Biden took office, 5.5 million illegal migrants have reportedly crossed the border of Mexico to enter the United States, according to

Seven million people now make up that total, almost a year afterward. Joe Biden exposed the southern border of the United States to millions of undocumented, unauthorized immigrants on his initial day in power.

Shocking focused on Joe Biden’s efforts to bring millions of illegal immigrants into the United States:

  • Biden made a commitment to grant pardons to people who entered the country illegally, during the 2020 campaign.
  • Biden delivered an immigration measure to Congress on his initial day in office. This contained a pardon scheme and expressed his backing for providing a pathway for illegal aliens.
  • The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program is being protected by an executive order promptly signed by Biden.
  • The border wall’s development was halted by the Biden administration.
  • By overturning judicial rulings given during the Trump administration, the Biden administration increased the justifications for requesting asylum.

There’s More!

The Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs) with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras were terminated by the Biden administration.

These deals forced migrants to seek refuge in one of the nations they passed through before being eligible for protection in the United States.

Unaccompanied children, as well as parental units, were allowed to enter the country after the Biden administration adopted a policy exempting them from deportation under Title 42.

To be able to deal with additional requests and applications, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) implemented regulations aimed at making it simpler for people to apply for advantages.

This regulations include the authorization to work, extend and expand initiatives like Temporary Protected Status, remove the authority of agents to distribute Notices to Appear (NTAs), and minimize assessment and verification.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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