
Hunter Biden’s Misappropriation of Daughter’s College Fund Sends Shockwaves

Hunter Biden was discovered to have taken $20,000 from his daughter Maisy’s college savings in late 2018. This shocking misappropriation of funds was not for a noble cause, but to support a drug-fueled spree that lasted several months.

Maisy, who was in her final year of high school at the time, had her future jeopardized by her father’s reckless actions. The Biden family, including President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill, attempted an intervention just weeks before at their Delaware home, urging Hunter to seek rehabilitation.

However, their efforts were in vain, as Hunter continued his downward spiral into addiction.

The seriousness of Hunter’s financial situation came to light when his private bankers at Wells Fargo sent him an email on December 17, 2018, warning him that he had only 44 cents remaining in his account.

In a desperate move, Hunter instructed his wealth managers to transfer $20,000 from Maisy’s educational savings account, telling them to “liquidate what you can.”

The withdrawn funds from Maisy’s account were used to pay for various personal expenses, including payments to suspected prostitutes, a Porsche 911 car loan, sex webcam subscription fees, and other personal expenses.

This information was revealed through emails and messages found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

On December 28 of that year, Hunter’s assistant, Katie Dodge, sent him an email detailing his outstanding bills. These included University of Pennsylvania tuition bills of $27,945 (likely for his eldest daughter, Naomi), a $1,700 payment for his Porsche, and $4,244.70 for Maisy’s high school Sidwell Friends.

Hunter responded by instructing Dodge to pay for the Porsche and his health insurance but informed her that she would only be receiving half her paycheck.

Adding to the financial turmoil, Hunter also mentioned his business partner’s arrest on corruption charges in Beijing, indicating further financial instability.

Despite these challenges, Maisy, like her sisters Naomi and Finnegan, managed to attend the University of Pennsylvania, where she pursued a degree in fine arts.

Further investigation into Hunter’s financial transactions revealed that he had not paid taxes on the money he took from Maisy’s educational savings account.

IRS Criminal Investigation agent Joseph Ziegler, who conducted a tax probe into Hunter for five years, claimed the investigation was hindered by senior government officials. According to Ziegler, Hunter failed to report an additional income of approximately $39,820 related to the distribution he took from Maisy’s 529 Plan in 2019.

This shocking revelation portrays a worrisome picture of Hunter Biden’s reckless behavior and disregard for his family’s well-being. It raises significant questions about his character and the values of the current White House occupants.

This article appeared in Conservative Cardinal and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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