
Ilhan Omar Faces Criticism for Statements Targeting White Individuals

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) made controversial remarks targeting white individuals during an interview on a network owned by the government of Qatar in February 2018. Her comments have now attracted criticism on social media for being racially divisive.

During the interview, Omar responded to a question about “Islamophobia” by making a racially charged statement about white men in America. The host, Mehdi Hasan, asked her about the conservative perspective that the fear of “jihadist terrorism” drives the rise of Islamophobia. Hasan gave examples of incidents such as Fort Hood, San Bernardino, and the recent truck attack in New York, and asked Omar to respond to these concerns.

Omar stated that Americans should be more afraid of “white men” as they are supposedly the cause of most deaths in the United States. However, she did not provide any data to support her claim. These remarks received backlash on social media, and the video of her statement went viral, garnering over 10 million views after conservative commentators shared it.

Reporter Breanna Morello pointed out that Omar expresses great concern about white men in the United States, yet she does not view the Somali men who prompted her to flee her home country in the same negative light.

Vernon Jones, a former Democratic Georgia state representative who switched to the Republican Party, called for Omar’s expulsion from Congress. Journalist Greg Price noted that Omar is married to Tim Mynett, a white American consultant for Democratic campaigns. Cullen Linebarger pointed out that the accusations against white men contradict evidence, citing FBI statistics from 2018 that showed black offenders accounted for 54.9 percent of all murders, while whites were responsible for 42.4 percent.

This article appeared in The Political Globe and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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