
Illinois Governor, Known as a Leftist, Enacts Law Permitting Undocumented Individuals to Serve as Police Officers

The governor of Illinois, JB Pritzker, who is a Democrat with leftist views, has recently signed a law allowing undocumented individuals to serve as police officers in the state. This new law, known as Bill 3751, permits people who qualify under DACA or have permission to work in the United States, despite not being US citizens, to join the police force.

Pritzker Defends His Decision

Governor Pritzker justifies his decision by stating that the new law is not about giving undocumented individuals an advantage, but rather about extending existing rights to non-Americans who have permission to work and own a gun in the country. The law will go into effect in January of next year and will only apply to those who have legal permission to work in the US.

Imagine This Future

It is important to consider the potential consequences of this new law. It could result in non-American officers enforcing US laws on American citizens. This is particularly concerning considering the recent defund the police movement and other leftist agendas. It could lead to a future in which non-citizens hold power over Americans with globalist influences shaping the country’s laws. This would undermine the rights and values of American citizens, creating a society in which personal freedoms are traded for control and conformity.

Article source: Our Patriot

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Written by Western Reader

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