
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds Remains Resilient Despite Trump’s Snub

In a recent turn of events, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds has shown remarkable resilience in the face of former President Trump’s public snub.

The former president decided to skip her Iowa State Fair speakers series, an act that came after he criticized her for maintaining neutrality in the 2024 race and for her perceived closeness with his chief rival, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Governor Reynolds, undeterred by this development, introduced the Fair-Side Chats at this year’s state fair.

This innovative platform offers Republicans an opportunity to be interviewed by her, either as an alternative or in addition to appearing at the Political Soapbox, a mainstream media event hosted by the Des Moines Register.

Interestingly, Governor DeSantis chose to attend only Reynolds’ event, while Trump opted to do his own thing at the fairgrounds.

Reynolds, displaying a commendable level of political maturity, shrugged off Trump’s decision to skip her event.

“That’s his decision,” she said, emphasizing that candidates are free to make their own choices. Her nonchalant response to Trump’s snub is a testament to her unwavering commitment to her political duties and responsibilities.

Trump’s displeasure with Reynolds became public knowledge in mid-July. He accused her of being ungrateful, claiming that he was instrumental in her rise to the governorship.

According to Trump, he opened up the governor position for Reynolds when he nominated Governor Terry Branstad as his ambassador to China in 2017. However, Reynolds, who won reelection last year with a landslide victory in 95 out of Iowa’s 99 counties, remains unfazed by these accusations.

The former president’s annoyance with Reynolds was further fueled by her association with DeSantis’ wife, Casey, during the launch of her ‘Mamas for DeSantis’ event.

Trump expressed his disappointment with Reynolds’ decision to remain neutral in the upcoming election, despite his endorsement and support during her campaign.

Despite the controversy, Reynolds has continued to fulfill her duties as governor. She cleared her calendar to tour with DeSantis, Senator Tim Scott, and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, among others.

It’s worth noting that Iowa governors typically maintain neutrality through the Iowa caucuses, which are historically the first presidential contest every election year.

Inside sources reveal that Reynolds is tired of Trump’s antics and was upset that he believed she owed him credit for her winning the governorship.

Despite the internal discussions within the Trump campaign about Reynolds’ closeness with the DeSantis family, she remains steadfast in her political journey.

Governor Kim Reynolds’ handling of the situation is a testament to her strength and resilience. Her ability to shrug off criticism and continue to serve her constituents is a shining example of her dedication to her role as governor.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, one thing is certain – Reynolds is a force to be reckoned with.

This article appeared in Mainstpress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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