
Jim Jordan Uncovers Media Corruption and Conspiracy of Censorship

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan has uncovered evidence of corruption within the liberal corporate media.

Recently, Jordan has been tirelessly working to expose President Biden’s tactics to suppress the voices of the American people.

Jordan’s investigation has revealed how the Biden administration manipulated Big Tech companies to silence critics of the Democrats’ agenda.

However, mainstream media outlets have conveniently ignored this explosive story, raising questions about their integrity and impartiality.

Thanks to Jordan’s relentless pursuit of truth, the silence from major media outlets is no longer a mystery.

Jordan not only caught the Biden White House censoring American citizens’ speech in violation of the Constitution but also discovered the media’s collusion with Biden.

Congress received files from Meta, known as the “Facebook Files,” which expose Meta’s suppression of users across its platforms under pressure from the Biden White House.

Journalist Matt Taibbi analyzed these revelations and highlighted the most embarrassing aspect of the ‘Facebook Files’ released by Jim Jordan.

Taibbi argues that the media should question officials, even when the questions are unpopular. However, the current scenario shows a different picture, where the media has abandoned its purpose and embraced censorship.

Taibbi shared an incriminating email from an unnamed Facebook executive to CEO Mark Zuckerberg and former Meta COO Sheryl Sandberg, revealing external pressure from the White House and the press to remove critical posts about COVID rules.

Furthermore, Taibbi pointed out that internal communications repeatedly show the news media working as part of the censorship apparatus, highlighting the media’s deviation from its primary role of questioning authority and serving the public interest.

In conclusion, Jordan’s exposure of media complicity serves as a wake-up call for all Americans to question the credibility of the press and demand transparency.

This article appeared in Right Wing Insider and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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