
Kari Lake Achieves Legal Victory Over Maricopa County

Republican Kari Lake has been engaged in legal battles with Maricopa County in Arizona for several months. Lake claims that issues with the ballot machines in Maricopa County led to the rigging of the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election in favor of Democrat Katie Hobbs.

Maricopa County denies these claims, arguing that Lake has insufficient evidence and that everything was conducted properly.

Lake’s supporters continue to encourage her to persist in the fight and not give up. To her credit, Lake has stated that she will take this issue to the US Supreme Court if necessary.

The Gateway Pundit has recently reported that Maricopa County’s attempt to have Lake’s litigation dismissed has been unsuccessful.

Judge Denies Maricopa County’s Motion to Dismiss

Judge John Hannah of Maricopa County’s Superior Court has ruled against the defendants’ request for Lake’s lawsuit to be thrown out. The lawsuit in question centers around how Maricopa County handled affidavit envelopes for mail-in ballots.

Judge Hannah stated that the ballot affidavits in question are not necessarily voter rolls, as Maricopa County argued. Therefore, a status hearing will be scheduled for the judge to review additional evidence.

Potential Election Reform

As Lake fights Maricopa County in court, she strongly believes that election reform will occur in Arizona and throughout the United States. It remains to be seen what Maricopa County will do during the upcoming status hearing.

As the litigation ensues, it would not be surprising if this issue eventually reaches the Supreme Court, as Lake previously mentioned. Maricopa County is unlikely to back down, admit fault, or acknowledge any improper conduct during last year’s gubernatorial race in the state.

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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