
Kenyan Lawyer Advocates for Fair Treatment of Jesus at International Court

Dola Indidis, a former spokesperson for the Kenyan Judiciary, has taken on the challenge of contesting the conviction and death sentence of Jesus Christ.

Indidis is seeking to sue the Republic of Italy and the State of Israel, among others, regarding the execution of the Christian Messiah. This bold legal endeavor not only reflects the lasting impact of Jesus’ trial and crucifixion, but also a universal pursuit of justice.

Indidis’s case is based on the argument that Jesus’ trial was fundamentally flawed. He asserts that the questioning methods used during Jesus’ trial and the punishments inflicted upon Him were all in violation of the rule of law. His goal is to determine the crime Jesus was charged with and have the court declare the Roman courts’ proceedings null and void.

The Kenyan lawyer’s pursuit of justice for Jesus is not unprecedented. He hopes to draw on the case of Joan of Arc, the peasant girl who proclaimed herself a warrior sent by God to liberate France from the English.

Her trial and conviction were later deemed unsound, providing a potential legal precedent for Indidis’s case.

However, there are significant obstacles on the path to justice. Legal experts do not anticipate Indidis’s efforts to prevail, primarily because the International Court of Justice (ICJ) lacks jurisdiction over this matter.

The ICJ’s jurisdiction only extends to claims made by one state against another state. As Indidis’s claim is not brought by a state, the ICJ would lack jurisdiction.

In spite of these challenges, Indidis remains undeterred. His unwavering commitment to seeking justice for Jesus reflects a profound belief in the importance of the rule of law. It serves as a reminder that the pursuit of justice transcends time and borders.

Indidis’s case also raises significant questions about the essence of justice itself. If Jesus’ trial was indeed flawed, as Indidis argues, what does this imply for numerous other trials conducted under similar circumstances?

How many other convictions might be overturned if subjected to the same scrutiny?


While the outcome of Indidis’s case remains uncertain, its implications are far-reaching. It serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of faith, the timeless pursuit of justice, and the universal relevance of the rule of law.

Regardless of the final verdict, Indidis’s pursuit of justice for Jesus will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on legal history.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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