
Lack of Bodies Found in Canada’s Reported ‘Child Mass Graves’ of Native Americans

The alleged mass graves of Native American children in Canada have turned out to be a hoax. Despite claims of the graves being discovered at assimilation schools in British Columbia, no bodies were found during the excavation.

This revelation has caused controversy and disbelief, as it contradicts the widely accepted narrative surrounding the issue.

The story began with doubts about the existence of these mass graves. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ordered flags to be flown at half-mast in honor of the supposed victims, and Pope Francis issued an apology on behalf of the Catholic Church.

Ground-penetrating technology was reportedly used to identify the graves, but no actual bodies or graves were found until recently.

The allegations led to a series of church burnings, primarily carried out by white activists who were convinced of the truth behind the claims. So far, 83 churches have been burned down, as documented on an interactive map.

However, the recent excavation at one of the alleged grave sites has revealed a surprising truth. There were no bodies or graves found. The entire narrative was based on false information.

Chief Derek Nepinak of the Niegoziibe Anishinabe made the announcement, stating that there is no evidence of mass murder by Christian churches or schools anywhere in Canada.

It is important to note that while deaths did occur at these schools, they were attributed to common diseases of the time such as tuberculosis and typhoid. The narrative that Native American children were forcibly taken from their parents to be Christianized at these schools has also been debunked.

School attendance for Indigenous children only became compulsory in 1920, the same year it was made mandatory for all other children. Most Indigenous children attended day schools, and those who went to residential schools did so only after a parent or guardian signed an application form.

Chief Nepinak expressed concern that these findings may fuel denialist accounts. However, the facts cannot be ignored. The narrative that priests and nuns at these schools committed mass murder and buried the bodies in unmarked graves has been proven false.

This revelation undermines the credibility of those who have swiftly accused churches and Western history of atrocities that have now been shown to be fabricated.

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Written by Western Reader

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