
Mike Pence Receives the Unwelcome News He Has Feared

Former VP Mike Pence’s run for president isn’t going the way he had hoped. In fact, things are now going so poorly for him that he may not make the first GOP debate.

The news comes amid the release of Pence’s second-quarter fundraising numbers which are extremely low and worse than even his biggest critics expected.

Is Pence Done?

Pence never really had a chance in this race, but even a book deal seems out of the question now.

Raising only $1.2 million in the second quarter, Pence is headed for the exit wings if he doesn’t have a big surge. He currently doesn’t even have the required 40,000 unique donors to make the debate stage.

The first GOP debate is coming up on August 23 in Milwaukee. It requires 40,000 unique donors with at least 200 from 20 states or more, ensuring a broad distribution for candidates across the country.

Unless Pence starts gaining a lot of momentum, he’s done. As for his abysmal fundraising for the second quarter, compare it to Trump’s raising of $35 million and Ron DeSantis’ raising of $20 million.

Pence is fading fast and we’re unlikely to see him in Milwaukee.

Why Is Pence Losing So Badly?

The reason Pence is losing before the race has even really begun is because he has nothing new or brave to say.

He’s the definition of an establishment politician. Apart from a strong stand on some social issues, everybody knows he’s not going to really stand for anything economically or in foreign policy.

Pence is offering nothing that really talks about America First. His waffling around in standing by Trump in the last administration is something patriots also haven’t forgotten.

He has no chance and should drop out.

The Bottom Line

Politicians like Pence represent an older style of politician that no longer appeals to many voters.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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