
Shocking Decision on Drugs Made by Biden Administration

Coming shortly after the discovery of a baggie of cocaine near the entrance of the West Wing, the Biden administration has made a shocking decision. They have announced a pause on using satellites to monitor the growth of cocaine in Colombia.

The Secret Service claimed they couldn’t find out who left the cocaine in the White House, and now President Biden is turning off a key tool in the fight against drugs. This decision has left many people questioning what is going on.

Keep Growing the Cocaine, Don’t Mind Us…

Colombia is one of the world’s largest producers of coca leaves, which are a key ingredient in various forms of cocaine. This has led to significant problems with crime in Colombia, including the rebel FARC military uprising and government corruption.

Additionally, large quantities of cocaine are exported through Mexico and Central America into the United States.

Despite this, the Biden administration has decided to suspend the use of satellite monitoring to track Colombian coca fields. This monitoring has been crucial in keeping the US informed about the drug threat and planning strategies to combat it. It is unclear why President Biden is choosing to discontinue this valuable tool at a time when it is needed the most.

Why Is The Monitoring Program Being Paused?

According to the US State Department, the pause on the monitoring program is temporary. However, no specific date has been given for when the program will resume. The satellite monitoring system has been in use for decades to track Colombian coca production.

It is worth considering the recent election of communist President Gustavo Petro in Colombia. While Petro is targeting drug dealers and distributors in major cities, he is largely leaving the peasants who grow coca in rural areas alone, which has led to an increase in production.

It is concerning that the monitoring program is being paused when coca production levels are at their highest in years. In fact, only 10% of coca crops have been destroyed compared to last year.

Recent figures show that there are over 500,000 acres of coca growing in Colombia. Senator Marco Rubio has criticized President Biden for turning a blind eye to this issue and inadvertently supporting Petro’s regime.


This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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