
Minnesota Community Unites in Response to Recent Surge in Crime After Shocking Carjacking Incident

In the quiet community of Minnetonka, Minnesota, a shocking incident sparked outrage and fear among residents. Kelly Beason, a local mother, was brutally carjacked right in her driveway, an event that led to a public outcry for justice and safety.

The incident occurred last month when Beason returned home from the grocery store. She was ambushed by several men who followed her home. They attacked her, stole two cars from her garage, and even assaulted her 13-year-old son when he attempted to call 911. The brazen crime has left the community shaken and demanding action from local officials.

“We, the law-abiding people of this community have had enough,” one resident declared at a recent Minnetonka City Council meeting. The sentiment was echoed by many others, including Craig Beason, Kelly’s husband, who warned such a crime could happen to anyone.

The Beasons’ ordeal is not an isolated incident. According to the couple, there has been a noticeable uptick in crime in their neighborhood. This surge in criminal activity led to a palpable sense of fear and frustration among residents, who feel that their safety is being compromised.

In response to the community’s concerns, Minnetonka Mayor Brad Wiersum issued a statement expressing shared concern and anger over the incident. He assured residents that the city council welcomes dialogue and appreciates the strong support for the work of the police department. However, he also highlighted the need for a more effective criminal justice system that holds young offenders accountable and provides them with the necessary treatment and follow-up.

The Beasons, however, are not entirely satisfied with the response from local officials. Craig Beason criticized Hennepin County District Attorney Mary Moriarty for her alleged reluctance to prosecute crimes like carjackings. He described her stance as “irresponsible at best” and called for immediate action.

Meanwhile, the police have made some progress in the case. Romell Roshode Lewis, one of the suspects allegedly involved in the carjacking, was arrested recently. However, according to Kelly Beason, three other suspects remain at large.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the escalating crime rates in certain parts of the country. It underscores the urgent need for effective law enforcement and a robust criminal justice system that punishes offenders.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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