
Navy Veteran in Philadelphia Subjected to Appalling Assault

On a quiet Saturday night, retired Navy Commander Scott Harris, 62, was brutally assaulted while walking his dog in his own neighborhood. This horrifying event left the community in shock and raised serious questions about safety in our cities.

Harris, a decorated veteran who served in Iraq and Ukraine, was simply enjoying an evening stroll with his rescue dog from Ukraine when he was ambushed.

According to reports from NBC 10, at least one assailant attacked him from behind, knocking him unconscious and robbing him of his wallet. The attack was so severe that Harris suffered a brain injury, broken teeth, facial swelling, bruising, and required at least 100 stitches.

The assault took place near a large party that was happening across the street.

In retrospect, Harris admitted to Fox 29 that he probably should have avoided the area. The last thing he remembers before waking up in the emergency room is the loud music and laughter from the party.

However, amidst this horrifying incident, there emerged a glimmer of hope and humanity. A security camera outside Harris’ apartment captured a group of good Samaritans who found Harris and his dog, Nora, and walked them back home.

They ensured Harris was safely returned to his partner, Joseph Hurchick, who was anxiously waiting for him.

Hurchick recounted the terrifying moment to Fox 29, saying, “They brought him back, otherwise I don’t know what would have happened.”

“We were on the stoop and he was just bleeding, I was on the phone with 911, I didn’t know where the blood was coming from, I didn’t know if he was stabbed.”

Harris expressed his gratitude towards these kind strangers, stating, “Thank God, you know, there are good people. Maybe they’re mixed up with some people that aren’t so nice. They just saw a human being in need and brought me back safely.”

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in our neighborhoods, even for those who faced war zones.

Harris, who bravely served a year in Iraq and two years in Ukraine, never expected such a brutal attack in his own neighborhood. It’s a chilling testament to the escalating crime rates in our cities and the urgent need for effective law enforcement.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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