
Newly released Facebook Files expose White House attempts to limit conservative expression

In a series of tweets last week, Rep. Jim Jordan

put out new detailed revelations on the Biden administration’s collaboration with Facebook


Jordan presented evidence of the Biden administration seeking to influence Facebook’s narrative about information on the coronavirus.

According to Jordan, the internal meetings between Big Tech executives and White House officials exposed the Biden administration’s willingness to control online speech.

President Joe Biden even accused Facebook of killing people due to “disinformation” or “misinformation” on the Wuhan flu and vaccines.

At the time, Rob Flaherty, President Biden’s Director of Digital Strategy, consistently pressed Facebook to justify its content decisions, emphasizing the need to clarify to the public why misinformation existed online.

Flaherty also asked Facebook about its efforts to suppress conservative results from search engines. The demands got to the point of Flaherty asking the tech giant to outright ban conservatives from their platform.

Still, Flaherty was not satisfied, calling on Facebook to censor right-wing content and work in even closer collaboration with the White House.

Further, Flaherty asked Facebook to crack down on its algorithm in favor of sources, such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, over more conservative news outlets.

Biden’s director of coms and public engagement, Courtney Rowe, was found to have been mocking Americans’ ability to decipher the facts for themselves, particularly those living in rural areas.

Facebook caved to the pressure, despite attempting to explain that content could not simply be removed, but the “spread” of it could be contained.

The company later informed the Biden administration that they curtailed content, even if the post did not violate the terms of use or contained accurate information.

One employee speaking to federal authorities said Facebook demotes anti-vaccine content, despite it not being false information, but overall damaging the government’s message.

This article appeared in
The Record Daily
and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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