
Newsom Abandons 2024 Presidential Aspirations, Throws Support Behind Biden and Harris

California Governor Gavin Newsom has announced that he will not be running for the presidency in 2024. In a recent interview with NBC News, Newsom expressed his full support for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Newsom’s decision comes amidst concerns about Biden’s age and declining popularity among Democrats. Recent polls have shown that a majority of voters believe Biden is too old to be president, and many Democratic voters do not wish to see him run for another term.

Despite these concerns, Newsom remains steadfast in his support for the current administration. He believes that President Biden will run for re-election and is looking forward to getting him reelected.

Newsom’s dismissal of a potential presidential run also extends to his relationship with top Democratic donors. While there were speculations that he was considering a primary challenge to the president, Newsom clarified that his message to the donors was to rally behind Biden.

Newsom’s political career has been closely intertwined with Vice President Harris. Both rose to prominence in San Francisco and have managed to endorse one another without competing against each other. They have supported each other in their respective campaigns and continue to maintain a strong relationship.

In 2015, when Senator Barbara Boxer retired, Newsom and Harris were both interested in her Senate seat. However, Newsom decided to run for governor instead, while Harris won the Senate seat. Harris campaigned for Newsom during his gubernatorial race and supported him during the recall election in 2021.

Newsom’s decision not to run for president in 2024 is notable given his political stature as the governor of California, the largest state in the U.S. He has championed policies that appeal to Democrats, including gun control, climate change, and access to abortions.

This article appeared in TheDailyBeat and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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