
Os motoristas portugueses enfrentam ativistas climáticos

In a remarkable display of citizen action, Portuguese drivers recently took matters into their own hands when climate change activists attempted to disrupt the flow of traffic on a busy highway.

This incident, which occurred in Lisbon, Portugal, serves as a powerful example of ordinary citizens refusing to let their daily lives be interrupted by misguided activism.

The protest was orchestrated by Climáximo, an anti-capitalist group known for its radical stance on climate change. On this particular day, nine members of the group decided to stage a sit-in on Lisbon’s Segunda Circular highway.

Their target was Galp, a nearby energy company. In a further attempt to disrupt traffic, two of the activists even hung from the cables of a bridge overlooking the highway.

However, these activists underestimated the resolve of the Portuguese motorists. Approximately a dozen drivers, fed up with the disruption, decided to intervene. They honked their horns at the protesters sitting in the road, before taking more decisive action.

These determined drivers exited their vehicles, physically removed the protesters from the road, and confiscated their banners.

This swift and decisive action by the motorists effectively ended the protest. The activists were left on the sidewalk, their plans to disrupt traffic and draw attention to their cause thwarted by the very people they had hoped to inconvenience.

This incident in Portugal is not an isolated one. Similar protests have been reported in other parts of the world, including Germany.

However, the response of the Portuguese drivers stands out as a testament to the power of citizen action. It sends a clear message to activists everywhere: ordinary citizens will not stand by while their daily lives are disrupted for political gain.

The actions of these Portuguese drivers deserve recognition and praise. They stood up to misguided activism and took decisive action to protect their right to go about their daily lives without disruption.

This incident serves as a powerful reminder that the voice of the ordinary citizen is a force to be reckoned with. It is a lesson in citizen action that activists everywhere would do well to remember.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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