
Outrage Erupts as Biden’s Remarks During Maui Wildfire Tragedy Are Deemed Insensitive

In the wake of the devastating wildfires that have ravaged the Hawaiian island of Maui, President Biden’s response has been met with widespread criticism and outrage.

The fires, which have claimed hundreds of lives and scorched thousands of acres, left the island’s residents in a state of despair. Despite the ongoing crisis, Biden managed to take two vacations, accumulating over 365 vacation days since his inauguration.

His initial refusal to comment on the disaster while vacationing in Delaware was met with significant backlash, prompting him to cut short his second vacation at a billionaire’s mansion in Lake Tahoe, Nevada.

The president finally made his way to Maui on Monday, but his reception was far from warm.

As the president and his nearly 30-car motorcade embarked on a five-hour tour of Hawaii, they were met with disgruntled residents who jeered at him, yelling, “Thanks for nothing!” and “Go home, Joe!”

Newsweek reported other residents held signs that read “F*** Biden” and “Trump Won.” More signs near Kapalua Airport, where the president touched down, read, “It’s too late.”

During his visit, Biden attempted to empathize with the victims of the wildfire by drawing a parallel between their loss and his own experience of nearly losing his ’67 Corvette in a kitchen fire 15 years ago.

“I don’t want to compare difficulties, but we have a little sense, Jill and I, of what it’s like to lose a home,” said Biden.

However, this comparison was met with disdain and anger.

A restaurant owner in Kihei, Maui, told the Daily Signal that Biden’s comparison was “the most despicable thing this president has ever said,” adding, “How do you compare almost losing your f****** Corvette to the children burned in their f****** homes, man?”

Kristen Goodwin, a former teacher on the island, expressed similar contempt for Biden, vowing never to vote for him again.

The New York Post noted additional signs amid the ash and ruin in Lahaina that read, “Action speaks louder than words” and “FJB,” as well as “No comment,” in reference to Biden’s initial refusal to address the tragedy.

After making light of the ground being hot and a cadaver dog’s boots, Biden delivered a speech in front of the town’s ancient banyan tree, which had survived the worst of the fires.

While he remembered the name of the island this time, the 80-year-old president mispronounced the names of multiple Hawaiian officials and referred to the disaster as an “unimaginable travedy.”

This series of gaffes and insensitive remarks have only added fuel to the fire of discontent among the residents of Maui, leaving many to question the president’s ability to effectively lead during times of crisis.

This article appeared in TheDailyBeat and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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