
Queen’s Piper Plays Bagpipes At Funeral

The Queen’s piper played the bagpipes at a funeral, creating a poignant and symbolic moment. This is significant because the Queen has a deep connection with the sound of bagpipes, as they were a familiar sound that would often mark the start of her day.

Every morning at 9 a.m., the piper would play for 15 minutes, serving as an unconventional alarm clock for the monarch, no matter where she was. This daily ritual created a strong bond between the Queen and the stirring sound of the bagpipes.

Pipe Major Scott Methven, who held the role of piper from 2015 to 2019, recently revealed in an interview with the BBC that he had developed a close relationship with the Queen during his time as her piper. He expressed how honored he felt to perform for her, as she would stand and observe him play. The Queen not only had a deep appreciation for the bagpipes, but she also took the time to connect with Methven on a personal level.

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Written by Western Reader

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