
Respected Principal Tragically Bullied to Death by Activists on the Left over False ‘Racism’ Allegations

The situation in Canada is like America on steroids. Unlike here, where conservatives and patriots still have some power, Canada has been fully conquered by the woke left.

This is causing death. Literally. The latest victim is long-time educator Richard Bilkszto, who was psychologically tortured and bullied to death by the left for daring to disagree with them.

What Happened?

Bilkszto worked for the Toronto District School Board in Canada.

He’d been with them for decades, running programs helping to educate adults and help sure immigrants. Others coming to Canada were treated well and learned to the best of their ability.

This included a lot of time spent in poorer areas of the city and among many people of color, minorities, and immigrants. In 2021, Bilkszto went to mandatory diversity training led by a woke harpy named Kike Ojo-Thompson.

During discussions about not being racist, Ojo-Thompson went on many rants about how racist and horrible Canada was and how the problems of minorities there are all due to racism.

Bilkszto said his decades of experience made him see it differently and he didn’t feel Canada was quite as bad as she was saying on race issues. That’s when all hell broke loose.

Bilkszto Takes His Own Life

Following his 2021 disagreement with the woke diversity trainer, Bilkszto was relentlessly hounded. The TDSB disinvited him from events, sidelined him from a planned promotion and he was routinely looked down on.

He tried to sue the Kojo Institute that Ojo-Thompson had been part of, but it didn’t go anywhere. Eventually, he reached the end of his rope, with his family saying the “incidents” and false accusations simply became too much for him.

On Thursday, July 20, longtime educator, beloved community member, and respected anti-racist Richard Bilkszto committed suicide, leaving heartbroken relatives and loved ones behind.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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