
Revelation of Ex-CIA Agent’s Involvement in Uncovering Hunter Biden Laptop Controversy

Nada Bakos, a former CIA counterintelligence analyst, has come into the spotlight once again.

Bakos was one of the many ex-intelligence officials who supported the controversial 2020 letter that dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop story as likely “Russian disinformation.” However, recent developments have brought her actions under scrutiny.

Bakos’ involvement in this saga goes beyond just endorsing the letter.

It turns out that while the FBI suggested to major social media platforms that the laptop story was a hoax, Bakos was securing a position at Twitter. She joined the Trust and Safety committee, but kept this move hidden during her testimonies on these events.

Bakos’ secretive actions didn’t end there. In a recently disclosed corporate email, she warned her colleagues about her photo appearing in the Post. She also revealed that she was keeping her employment at Twitter a secret and locking all her accounts. This raises questions about transparency and potential conflicts of interest, given her previous intelligence role and new position at a major social media platform.

Bakos’ actions were not isolated. During the 2016 and 2020 campaigns, there appeared to be a revolving door between the FBI, the CIA, Twitter, and other social media platforms. This career mobility among these entities raises concerns and questions about their roles in shaping public opinion during critical election periods.

The plot thickens when we consider Bakos’ relationship with her former boss at the CIA, Michael Morell. Morell was allegedly urged by Antony Blinken, then a senior adviser on the Biden campaign, to help draft the infamous letter. Bakos assisted Morell in writing the letter and signed it herself, despite not knowing the laptop’s authenticity or being ignorant of it, which raises doubts about her competence as an intelligence official.

This entire episode raises concerns of election interference. It appears that Biden’s team, desperate to prevent any damaging news from leaking close to a closely contested election, colluded with insiders at the FBI and CIA. They knowingly spread false information, which led to the Post being censored on social media. The public was deprived of crucial information, and those involved seemingly achieved their mission.

The corruption seems to have reached the highest levels of the intelligence community and the government, yet no one has been held accountable. Instead, many of those involved have been rewarded. Biden became president, Blinken secured a high-ranking position, and many who signed the letter now hold lucrative roles at various news outlets.

This scandal serves as a stark reminder of the need for transparency and accountability in our institutions.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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