
Rioters in France Attack Mayor’s Family, Innocent Victims of Violence

France is currently experiencing the most severe riots in fifty years, resulting in numerous arrests, hundreds of injuries, thousands of fires, and the deployment of over 50,000 police officers.

The chaos erupted in the country after police fatally shot 17-year-old Nahel during a traffic stop on June 27.

Video footage shows the teenager speeding away from the police at the traffic stop just before he was shot at close range by the officer. The officer has since been charged with manslaughter.

Now, rioters in France have been looting car dealerships, setting fire to shopping malls, assaulting police officers, firing guns into the air, and wreaking havoc in cities all across the country.

During these violent acts, targeted individuals have become victims, as was the case with the family of a conservative mayor while he was away from home.

Mayor’s Family Viciously Attacked

In the early hours of Sunday, July 2, rioters raided and set fire to the home of Mayor Vincent Jeanbrun. Jeanbrun serves as the mayor of the Paris suburb of L’Hay-le-Roses.

The protesters crashed a vehicle into the wall of the house, causing it to collapse and catch fire.

At the time of the incident, Jeanbrun’s wife, Melanie Nowak, and their 5- and 7-year-old children were inside the house, sleeping.

While the attack on his family was taking place, Jeanbrun was at the town hall of L’Hay-le-Roses, working on a plan to address the ongoing protests.

Innocent Children Attacked

These violent rioters, who are of North African descent, stormed the mayor’s home and began assaulting Jeanbrun’s wife and children with fireworks.

Jeanbrun took to social media to speak out about the incident, stating that his family was the victim of attempted murder.

While attempting to escape from the attackers, Jeanbrun’s wife and one of his children were injured. His wife is currently hospitalized.

Mayors Enraged

On Monday, July 3, David Linard, the president of the Association of Mayors of France, called for a protest in all city halls across the country.

Stéphane Hardouin, the local prosecutor, announced that an investigation into the attempted murder of the mayor and his family had been launched.

As of now, no suspects have been arrested in connection with the attack.

French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne condemned the assault on the Jeanbrun residence, deeming it “unacceptable,” and demanded severe punishments for the individuals responsible.

Jeanbrun pleaded with French President Emmanuel Macron to declare a state of emergency, but no such declaration has been made yet.

Recently, Macron met with all the mayors of France to discuss the violence and implemented widespread internet shutdowns in the country. However, the end of these riots remains uncertain.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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