
Russia’s Satan-2 Nuclear Missiles Deployed by Putin

Russian leader Vladimir Putin has now deployed Satan-2 nuclear-ready missiles into “combat duty.” The news comes as the war with Ukraine rages on for almost a year-and-a-half with an end no closer in sight.

The second generation of Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) known as Satan-2s are able to launch nukes that hit targets thousands of miles away.

Meet Satan-2

The Satan-2 can hit targets up to 11,180 miles away. This hypersonic missile weighs over 200 tons and is about 116 feet long.

It can deploy over a dozen warheads at the same time and could take out the entire United Kingdom, for example, in approximately six minutes.

Speaking recently to members of the Russian military graduating, Putin said the “launchers” of this “heavy missile” will now be ready for “combat duty.”

Russia has rapid nuclear capability in the air, on land, or at sea, which Putin said helps maintain “global stability.”

Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu also spoke, saying that the West is trying to destroy Russia and warning that the war against Moscow is “real.”

Testing Under Biden’s Nose

While Biden met up with Ukraine’s leader in February of this year, Putin was testing the Satan-2 super weapon. Biden said Putin may use nuclear weapons and called Russia’s recent moving of nukes into Belarus “irresponsible.”

Putin said “all options” will be considered by Russia to “defend” itself. The leader of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko recently said he would not “hesitate” to fire nukes if necessary.

Russia is now able to hit the EU from Belarus. Putting these Satan-2s into action now gives Russia even more long-range strike capability with nuclear-ready ICBMs if they decide to use them.

At this point, it doesn’t look like the nukes will be used since Putin said Ukraine’s recent counteroffensive is useless and Russia is confident of full victory in Ukraine.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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