
Senate Unanimously Adopts Formal Dress Code: Fetterman Conforms to Tradition

In a move that has restored the dignity and decorum of the Senate, Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman has finally agreed to adhere to a formal dress code.

The Senate unanimously passed a bill on Wednesday, September 27, requiring members to follow a dress code that includes a coat, tie, and slacks for men. This decision marks the end of a controversy sparked by Fetterman’s casual attire on the Senate floor.

The issue of a Senate dress code first came to light after Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer directed the Senate’s sergeant at arms to stop enforcing the unofficial dress code earlier in the month.

This change primarily affected Fetterman, who had been casting votes from the cloakroom in shorts and a hoodie, but refrained from stepping onto the Senate floor in his signature casual look.

Following Schumer’s directive, Fetterman presided over the Senate in shorts and a black short-sleeved button-up shirt. This departure from tradition prompted an outcry, predominantly from Republicans, who viewed it as an affront to the decorum and tradition of the Senate.

The discarded dress code quickly became the most discussed issue in Congress, overshadowing even the looming threat of a government shutdown.

Fetterman, seemingly amused by the uproar, attempted to use the promise of formal wear as political leverage. He stated that he would “save democracy by wearing a suit on the Senate floor” if the House stopped trying to shut down the government and fully supported Ukraine.

However, when the time came to vote on the dress code legislation, Fetterman joined his colleagues in voting for the bill. He confirmed to CNN that he will adhere to the new dress code and wear a suit and tie on the Senate floor.

However, the new rules still permit casual dress in the cloakroom at the edge of the chamber, where Fetterman and other members can cast votes.

The bipartisan bill was co-sponsored by Democratic Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Republican Senator Mitt Romney of Utah. Interestingly, the bill does not specify what women should wear.

In conclusion, the unanimous adoption of a formal dress code by the Senate is a significant step towards preserving the dignity and tradition of this esteemed body.

It serves as a reminder that while individuality is important, respect for established norms and traditions should not be overlooked. As for Senator Fetterman, his agreement to suit up signifies his willingness to put aside personal preferences for the greater good of the Senate.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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