
Serious Corruption Accusations Leveled Against Department of Justice

The Department of Justice is currently facing serious accusations of corruption. It is widely believed that the agency is protecting Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden from the criminal activities they have been involved in for many years.

As investigations continue, more evidence is emerging that suggests that the Department of Justice is manipulating things behind the scenes. These allegations primarily center around the crimes allegedly committed by the Biden family, but there could be more to come.

According to the Gateway Pundit, the Biden-led Justice Department is now being scrutinized for potentially interfering in a matter involving congressional probes.

Republican Representative Matt Gaetz recently urged his colleagues to return to Congress and hold an emergency hearing. The concern is that the Justice Department tried to bypass congressional review of Devon Archer, who was scheduled to testify about his past connections with Hunter Biden.

Lawmakers claim that there has been a push to jail Archer on unrelated charges before he has a chance to testify. Following Gaetz’s call for an emergency hearing, several other Republican lawmakers expressed their support.

At this rate, it is likely that the full extent of corruption within the Justice Department has yet to be revealed. These recent developments also suggest that Joe Biden is determined to shield Hunter from any real consequences for his lawbreaking.

On social media, many Americans are expressing their concerns about the deep state and warning that we have only scratched the surface of the Biden family’s wrongdoing.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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