
Law Enforcement Urged to Take Swift Action On Suspicious Packages

California is facing numerous unresolved problems, including homelessness, lack of affordable living costs, and rampant drug abuse. However, with Democrats in power, there are no indications that these issues will be addressed. Another problem has emerged recently when it was discovered that a COVID lab with connections to China was operating in California, with doubts about what Governor Gavin Newsom knew and what actions he plans to take.

Now, another unusual incident has occurred in California. According to the Gateway Pundit, the incident revolves around a series of suspicious packages that led to the evacuation of a neighborhood and the intervention of the bomb squad.

Residents of Los Angeles County were surprised when suspicious packages were delivered to their community by parachute. Upon investigation, the bomb squad found vials with balloons attached, which turned out to be part of a school project. After confirming the harmless contents of the packages, concerns were alleviated. However, the origin of the packages remains unknown as there were no identifiable markings or return address.

Before the bomb squad arrived, buildings in the area were evacuated for the safety of the residents. Governor Newsom has not yet made any public statements about the incident, but it is likely that his administration was briefed due to the high-profile nature of the packages.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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