
Surprise Raid: Federal Authorities Target Prominent Trump Ally

Trump and World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) head Vince McMahon have had a close relationship for years. McMahon had Trump play various roles in WWE shows and wrestling fights, which contributed to Trump’s rise in fame.

However, with the indictment against Trump and the Biden administration’s aggressive investigations, McMahon is now facing serious trouble.

Recently, federal agents raided McMahon’s home while he was recovering from back surgery. This news has just become public, prompting questions about the reasons behind such action.

McMahon, 77, had his home searched by warrant and was served a subpoena several weeks ago. The grand jury subpoena requires him to appear in court to address allegations of paying off women to keep quiet about his sexual harassment of them.

In response, the WWE has stated that they will comply with any document requests related to the case. However, the current CEO of WWE, Nick Khan, has refused to comment on the matter.

The timing of these events is highly suspicious and suggests that individuals associated with Trump are being targeted intensively.

It should be noted that McMahon has not yet been formally charged with any crimes.

However, it was revealed last year during a six-month break taken by McMahon that he paid $3 million to a former WWE employee to keep their sexual affair confidential.

While this may be coincidental, it appears that the Biden administration is trying to target anyone associated with Trump and intimidate his friends.

The Biden administration’s actions seem to be expanding the power of the federal government, creating an environment where no one is safe.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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