
Ted Cruz Supports Former Trump Official as Biden Corruption Probe Leader

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) recently suggested that former Director of Intelligence John Ratcliffe be appointed as special counsel to investigate alleged corruption within the Biden family. According to Cruz, this appointment would ensure an unbiased investigation, free from the influence of the current administration.

Cruz’s proposal comes amid concerns about the impartiality of the ongoing investigations into the Bidens. He emphasized the need for a special counsel who is independent and not influenced by the president or the party in power.

John Ratcliffe, Cruz’s choice for the role, has a strong professional background that showcases his capabilities. Ratcliffe is a former acting U.S. Attorney in Texas, former head of the Department of National Intelligence, and a former U.S. congressman. Cruz described him as a conservative Republican and a real prosecutor.

Cruz believes that appointing Ratcliffe as special counsel to investigate potential lying under oath and obstruction of justice by Merrick Garland and others would be intimidating to Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and partisan Democrats. Ratcliffe’s experience in law enforcement and intelligence, coupled with his political independence, makes him an ideal candidate for the role, according to Cruz.

In contrast, Cruz criticized Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who was recently appointed as special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation. Cruz accused Weiss of delaying the investigation and granting immunity to those who broke the law.

Furthermore, Cruz questioned the legality of Weiss’ appointment, stating that under DOJ rules, the special counsel should be someone from outside of the government to ensure impartiality. When there’s a conflict of interest within the Department of Justice, a special counsel from the opposing political party is typically appointed to conduct a fair investigation.

Cruz’s call for John Ratcliffe’s appointment as special counsel demonstrates his commitment to ensuring justice and transparency in the face of alleged corruption. Ratcliffe’s potential appointment could bring a new level of scrutiny and accountability to the ongoing investigations into the Biden family.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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