
Texas Governor Greg Abbott Takes Action, Signs Legislation Prohibiting Minors from Participating in Drag Shows

Conservatives in the US have faced challenges due to the influence of the woke movement in various aspects of daily life, including education and entertainment. The LGBTQ community has been actively trying to involve children in their events, which include drag shows featuring adult men dressed in revealing women’s clothing.

How was this even up for debate?

Thankfully, Texas has taken a stand.

Governor Greg Abbott has signed a bill that prohibits minors from attending or participating in these types of events.

The legislation was passed in May with an 87-54 vote, with the majority of opposition coming from Democrats.

On June 18th, Governor Abbott signed Senate Bill 12 into law. This means that any business or venue that violates the law may be fined up to $10,000 per violation, while performers can face a Class A misdemeanor, which carries a punishment of up to one year in prison and a fine of $4,000.

As a result, the organizers and attendees of these drag shows will have to think twice before hosting such events near or inside Texas schools.

“Homophobic legislature” protects kids

Many people celebrated this legislation being signed into law, including Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who viewed Abbott’s action as a necessary response to the radical left.

Patrick emphasized that Senate Bill 12 was one of his top priorities and was intended to protect Texas children from the influence of the LGBTQ+ community, a sentiment that resonates with many parents.

Unsurprisingly, there was backlash on Twitter, with critics labeling the signing of the bill as “homophobic” and “transphobic,” terms that are often used to oppose views they disagree with.

Nevertheless, by signing this bill, Abbott has set an example for other conservative states to follow, standing up against the radical left and protecting children from their divisive and objectionable agenda.

American children deserve better. If the future of education includes drag shows and discussions about gender pronouns, the younger generation may have little to look forward to.

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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