
The Hidden Danger of Biometric Digital IDs: The Rise of a Global Control Grid

As we navigate the digital age, a new phenomenon is taking shape, one that transcends traditional political divides.

This phenomenon is the rapid global adoption of biometric digital IDs and digital currencies, a development that some argue is paving the way for an unprecedented level of control over individual lives.

This shift towards digitization is not confined to any particular political ideology or geographical location. States across the US, regardless of their political leanings, are embracing this new technology.

From conservative strongholds like Iowa, Mississippi, Georgia, Utah, and Ohio to liberal bastions like California, Michigan, Maryland, and Hawaii, the push for digital ID and digital currency is gaining momentum.

However, the conversation around these developments seems conspicuously absent among American politicians.

The potential implications of universal biometric digital IDs are rarely discussed, leaving many citizens unaware of the potential risks associated with this technology.

The concept of a ‘digital self’ is not new, but its implementation is now becoming a reality. This digital identity, combined with the rise of transhumanism, could lead to a society where individuals are constantly connected, monitored, and evaluated based on their digital footprint.

This could include everything from their consumption habits to their social interactions.

The introduction of digital IDs and digital currencies could provide central banks with a comprehensive record of every transaction in the economy.

This was highlighted by Dr. Pippa Malmgren, an economist and advisor to presidents, at the World Government Summit in March 2022.

The infrastructure for this system began with the installation of 5G networks, funded by federal funds under the Trump administration. Now, states are introducing biometric digital driver’s licenses, further advancing this digital control grid.

The proponents of this technology argue that it offers enhanced security and convenience. However, critics warn that it could lead to an erosion of privacy and the right to anonymity.

In California, for example, the Department of Motor Vehicles is testing a mobile app that allows residents to upload their biometric digital driver’s licenses.

Despite assurances that participation in these programs is voluntary, there are concerns about the potential for coercion and exclusion.

If these digital tools become universally accepted, those who choose not to participate could find themselves marginalized or excluded from certain societal functions.

iProov, a leading company in biometric face verification, is playing a significant role in this digital transformation.

The company, which works with organizations including the US Department of Homeland Security, the UK Home Office, and various banks and government agencies, is now rolling out its technology in multiple U.S. states.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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