
The Ongoing Competitive Pursuit to Deploy Lethal Robots on the Battlefield

Technology is advancing rapidly, affecting every aspect of life, including warfare. Drones, satellite capability, and cyberwarfare are revolutionizing the battlefield.

The deployment of deadly robot soldiers is also becoming closer than ever before. The United States is currently engaged in an arms race with countries like China and Russia to develop AI-powered killing machines for the battlefield.

Robot Killers Unleashed

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already being utilized in various fields such as surgery, computing, and infrastructure. It is also extensively used in the military, but the race to incorporate AI effectively into physical killer robots is still ongoing. The United States is in competition with adversaries like China and Russia to achieve this goal.

A new documentary on Netflix titled UNKNOWN: Killer Robots explores this arms race and premiered on July 10. Director Jesse Sweet emphasizes that whichever country can optimize AI and gain control over this aspect of warfare will have a significant advantage in the future.

However, he also notes that although many people have a vague awareness of robotics and AI, the full understanding of their importance in the future is still lacking among the majority.

Top (Robot) Gun

In the future, AI robots will be piloting F-16s and making complex decisions regarding whom to eliminate and whom to capture. While robotic killing machines already exist and are used on the battlefield, AI-equipped killer robots will be the future of warfare, which is the focus of the UNKNOWN documentary. Imagine a soldier with near-perfect accuracy, no fear, and the ability to calculate risk versus reward in a matter of seconds.

This is not a distant concept but a rapidly approaching reality as AI continues to advance, and militaries around the world explore ways to deploy AI on the battlefield.


This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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