
The Tragic Fallout of Negligence and Radicalism: The Untold Story of the Maui Catastrophe

In the wake of the devastating wildfires that ravaged Maui, a shocking revelation has emerged.

The tragedy, which claimed over 110 lives, was exacerbated by a toxic mix of liberalism, corruption, and inexperience. The people of Maui, desperate for life-saving water to combat the fires, were met with indifference and delay from those who should have been their protectors.

At the heart of this disaster is Deputy Director M. Kaleo Manuel of the Hawaii Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM).

As the fires raged, an official request was made to divert water from the West Maui stream to fight the inferno. This plea fell on deaf ears for several hours, as Manuel delayed his approval. The consequences were catastrophic.

Glenn Tremble of the West Maui Land Company revealed some damning details about the timeline of the fire. The blaze, initially contained at 9 A.M., spiraled out of control due to unfavorable weather conditions and low reservoir levels.

The reservoirs needed to be filled by 1 P.M. to effectively combat the fire. However, Manuel’s approval came only at 6 P.M., by which time it was too late to make the necessary adjustments to the siphon release.

The once-contained fire exploded, causing widespread devastation.

Adding insult to injury, GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy dropped a bombshell tweet revealing Manuel’s background. It turns out Manuel is an Obama Foundation “Asia Pacific Leader” and a radical climate activist.

This revelation raises questions about whether political ideology influenced the decision-making process during this crisis.

Manuel’s views on water management are indeed radical. He believes in treating water as a sacred entity, a perspective rooted in traditional Hawaiian beliefs.

While there is merit in respecting natural resources, the practical implications of such a worldview during a crisis are questionable. Manuel’s assertion that “water requires true conversations about equity” seems out of place when lives and properties are at stake.

The Maui catastrophe is a stark reminder of the potential dangers of radical ideologies influencing critical decision-making processes.

The residents of Maui needed immediate action, not philosophical debates about water equity. The delay in approving the diversion of water had tragic consequences, leading to the loss of life and property.

The Hawaii state government’s attempts to cover up their actions before and after the fires are deeply concerning. The blood of the victims is on their hands.

This article appeared in Conservative Cardinal and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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