
The WEF’s Concealed Objectives: Advocating for Long-Term Climate Measures

Nicole Schwab, daughter of World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab, declared permanent ‘climate lockdowns’ are on the horizon, whether we like it or not. This startling admission was made during a WEF panel discussion in 2020, which only recently came to light.

According to Nicole Schwab, the COVID-19 pandemic served as a “tremendous opportunity” to gauge public compliance with the WEF’s grand scheme known as the ‘Great Reset.’

This plan, she suggests, is aimed at creating a radical shift in our economic system, placing nature at its core.

The WEF has been promoting the idea of climate lockdowns since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. They praised the global population’s compliance with COVID-19 restrictions, suggesting similar obedience could be expected in the face of measures designed to reduce carbon emissions.

An article titled “My Carbon: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities,” published by the WEF, proposes using fear tactics to impose further restrictions on the public.

The piece discusses strategies to persuade people to adopt personal carbon allowance programs, highlighting how advancements in tracking and surveillance technology can help overcome political resistance against such initiatives.

The WEF commends the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, noting how billions of citizens worldwide adopted numerous restrictions for public health.

These included maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations, and acceptance of contact-tracing applications. The organization implies that the public would behave similarly in other areas of life, including climate change mitigation efforts.

Nicole Schwab emphasizes the COVID-19 crisis demonstrated our capacity for rapid change when faced with an immediate threat to our livelihoods.

She sees this as a golden opportunity for a ‘Great Reset’, using the increased influence policymakers currently hold to create significant change. This change, she argues, should not be incremental but transformative, positioning nature at the heart of our economy.

Schwab also highlights the potential for job creation and nature regeneration within the business and economy sectors. She cites regenerative agriculture as a key example of how innovation, technology, and business growth can positively impact nature.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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