
This Ukrainian Mother Buried Both Of Her Sons Just Six Days Apart

In a devastating turn of events, a Ukrainian mother was faced with the unimaginable task of burying both of her sons within a mere span of six days. The first son, Vasyl, was a 28-year-old senior lieutenant and paratrooper who tragically lost his life on March 3 in Mykolayiv, during an intense battle with Russian forces. It took the army several days to recover Vasyl’s body and transport it back to Duliby, where he was finally laid to rest on March 9.

The second son, Kyrylo, met a similarly tragic fate on March 13 in Yavoriv. He was killed in a Russian missile attack on the International Center for Peacekeeping and Security. Yavoriv, a town near the Polish border that previously hosted US troops, found itself targeted by missile strikes as the Russian invasion of Ukraine intensified. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently revealed that over 1,300 Ukrainian soldiers have lost their lives in the ongoing conflict.

Despite the ongoing violence, Zelensky expressed some glimmers of hope, mentioning that negotiations with Moscow are progressing and showing signs of becoming more realistic. However, it is important to recognize that time is still needed to reach decisions that will benefit Ukraine. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also acknowledged that certain aspects of a potential peace agreement were close to being settled with Kyiv.

The funeral service for Kyrylo was held in Lviv, where his body and those of three other fallen soldiers were brought to the Saints Peter and Paul Garrison Church. Mourners gathered there to pay their respects, approaching the caskets, tenderly touching them, and offering flowers as a final tribute. Prayers were said, and grieving mothers held onto the boxes containing their beloved sons while priests performed solemn holy water rituals.

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Written by Western Reader

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