
Trump Calls for Transparency from Big Pharma Regarding Vaccine Side Effects

Former President Trump has recently spoken out about the concerns surrounding adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccines. In an exclusive interview conducted by Tudor Dixon, a conservative political commentator and former Michigan gubernatorial candidate, Trump addressed various topics, including the pandemic response, potential shutdowns, and vaccine transparency.

Trump expressed doubt about categorizing all health crises as COVID-19 and criticized the Biden administration’s handling of the pandemic. He believed that the situation had been well-managed by his administration but poorly handled due to subsequent decisions, particularly in terms of spending.

The conversation then turned to Biden’s announcement of new vaccine funding. Dixon raised concerns about vaccine data transparency, specifically mentioning reports of myocarditis, blood clots, and other adverse events. She asked Trump if he would demand that pharmaceutical companies release their vaccine data to the public.

In response, Trump advocated for complete transparency from Big Pharma, emphasizing the collective effort in fighting the pandemic. He stated that any new information should be thoroughly reviewed and promptly made public. Furthermore, Trump compared the pandemic to the plague of 1917, expressing his disdain for the Wuhan lab and blaming it for the global devastation caused by the virus.

Dixon also brought up the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which currently shields pharmaceutical companies from liability for vaccine injuries until December 2024. She asked Trump if these companies should be held accountable for vaccine injuries after that date.

Trump stressed the importance of honesty from these companies, asserting that withholding information implies a negative intent. He assured Dixon and the public that he would continue to advocate for those skeptical of vaccines or who have been injured by them. Trump’s call for transparency from pharmaceutical companies and his commitment to advocating for the public’s interests may have future implications regarding vaccine safety and accountability.

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Written by Western Reader

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