
Trump Claims Biden Accepted Foreign Bribes

Former President Trump has made stunning allegations against President Joe Biden and his family, claiming that they accepted bribes from foreign entities. These allegations are based on recently released financial records and have created shockwaves in the political world.

According to James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Hunter Biden provided access to his father for global oligarchs while Joe Biden was vice president. Comer stated that Hunter Biden’s foreign associates from Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine even dined with the Bidens at Café Milano in Washington.

Comer further accused Joe Biden of being aware of his son’s business dealings and allowing the Biden family to profit from it.

During a conversation with Newsmax host Eric Bolling at his golf establishment in Bedminster, NJ, Trump referred to bank documents that indicate the Biden family received at least $20 million from foreign entities. Trump sees these records, obtained by the House Oversight Committee, as undeniable evidence that Joe Biden, as vice president, was influenced by financial incentives.

According to Trump, “That’s a tremendous amount of money. Nothing was done for it. It was just a bribe. It’s just a bribe – extortion and a bribe.”

Trump also drew attention to the incident involving Viktor Shokin, the Ukrainian prosecutor-general who was fired following Joe Biden’s implied threat of withholding $1 billion in U.S. financial aid.

Trump went on to accuse Biden of being influenced by China, calling him a “Manchurian candidate.” He suggested that Biden’s reluctance towards China is due to a significant hidden financial entanglement.

According to Trump, “China’s specter casts an undue shadow upon him. The rationale behind this timidity stems, I am inclined to believe, from an avaricious relationship obscured from the public eye.”

As a leading candidate among GOP voters for the 2024 election, Trump called on Republican members of Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden based on alleged corruption. He claimed that the charges brought against him by the Biden Justice Department were in retaliation for congressional inquiries into the Biden family’s dealings.

Trump also criticized some Republican colleagues who expressed hesitation about prioritizing Biden’s impeachment over other matters. He argued, “I heard a couple of Republicans – nice people – and they said, ‘Well, we have other things to worry about.’ We have to do this. We have to deal with it. What can be more important than this?”

The bank records reveal a transaction on February 14, 2014, showing a transfer of $3.5 million from Yelena Baturina, a Russian tycoon, to Rosemont Seneca Thornton, a company overseen by Hunter Biden. Trump speculated that these funds indirectly or possibly directly reached Joe Biden. He referred back to his 2020 debate with Biden, where he raised this issue. Trump labeled Biden as “corrupt,” “crooked,” and “compromised,” attributing these characteristics to his interactions with China.

This article appeared in The Patriot Brief and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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