
Trump Remains Resolute Despite Persistent Claims of Election Interference

Former President Trump remains resolute and unwavering in his stance on two significant legal issues.

The first issue involves a federal judge’s warning against making public statements that could influence witnesses or bias the jury pool. The second matter revolves around the possibility of accepting a plea deal in a separate case.

These questions were asked of Trump at the Iowa State Fair by a reporter who was curious about his response to Judge Tanya Chutkan’s order.

Judge Chutkan is currently presiding over Special Counsel Jack Smith’s criminal case against Trump. This case alleges that the former president attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

When asked about the judge’s order, Trump responded:

“We’ll have to take a look at the order. The whole thing is a fake. It was put out by Biden. And they put it out because they can’t win an election the fair way.”

Trump further emphasized his belief that these allegations are part of a larger scheme of election interference, stating, “Biden put it out because he can’t win the fair way. He’s way down in the polls.”

After the event, Trump headed to the airport, en route to his golf club in New Jersey. On the tarmac, another reporter took the opportunity to ask Trump about the possibility of accepting a plea deal in a separate case in Georgia.

“We did nothing wrong. We don’t ever take a plea deal,” Trump declared. He dismissed the question as a ‘wise guy’ query and reiterated his position. “We don’t take plea deals because I did nothing wrong. It’s called election interference.”

Trump currently faces multiple felony charges in two federal cases: one from the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and another potential indictment from the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office.

All these cases revolve around allegations of his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Despite the growing legal challenges, Trump remains unwavering in his claim of innocence and continues to assert his belief in election interference.

The former president’s refusal to consider a plea deal underscores his steadfast belief in his innocence and his determination to confront these allegations head-on.

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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