
Trump Remains Unfazed by Leak of Tapes Involving Classified Documents

In a statement, Trump insisted that he did nothing wrong and dismissed the leak as “another hoax.”

Trump’s Clear Conscience

In a public conversation with Fox News on Tuesday, the Republican presidential candidate addressed the disclosure.

“Election tampering is, in my opinion, the biggest problem. It’s shameful that they can get away with it,” Trump added. “Everything went smoothly. Everyone is aware that we have done nothing improper.”

Joe Biden’s Department of Justice has charged Trump with 37 crimes for allegedly keeping sensitive papers after leaving office.

According to the leaked video aired by CNN, Trump expressed excitement about having access to “highly confidential” and classified material.

“I had a complete desk full of documents, largely newspaper articles, copies of magazines, copies of various plans, copies of stories, dealing with many, many issues, and everything that was said seemed absolutely good,” Trump responded.

He reiterated that they did nothing wrong and called the whole thing a scam.

The network also asked about his thoughts on the audio leak. Trump remarked that his voice sounded good.

He wondered which words he mispronounced in those recordings, as he didn’t even notice the recording. All he knows is that he didn’t do anything wrong.

“There were many papers, many papers stacked up. In fact, you can hear the paper rustling,” Trump pointed out, noting that no one has accused him of any wrongdoing apart from fake news.

Fake News

When asked about the possibility of other tapes, Trump stated he doesn’t know of any recordings that should concern us because he doesn’t engage in improper activities.

Trump went on to say that he is nothing like Biden, who allegedly receives millions in cash from nations and individuals.

This article appeared in Conservative Cardinal and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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