
Tucker Carlson Secures a Fresh Opportunity Following Departure from Fox News

Weeks ago, Tucker Carlson’s firing from Fox News sent shockwaves throughout the conservative political world.

Many Americans questioned what happened and speculated that Carlson was the likely casualty of a deal that Fox News cut with Dominion Voting Systems, amid a lawsuit from the latter.

Despite being out at Fox, Carlson hasn’t let this slow him down. He recently started his own show, known as Tucker on Twitter.

Furthermore, breaking news from the Gateway Pundit reveals that Carlson also set up yet another venture.

A New Ad Deal and More

Carlson’s new ad deal comes from Public Square, a right-wing organization that will now be joining forces with the Tucker on Twitter show. The ad deal is worth over $1 million dollars. Hence, going forward, Carlson will be airing Public Square’s ads during his episodes on Twitter.

Reports also indicate that Carlson is planning to start his own media company, which is bound to open up even more doors for him. For now, Americans will have to sit back, wait, and see how everything turns out.

Though so far, it’s been made clear that everyone will continue to hear from Carlson, despite Fox News letting him go without warning.

Legal Issues with Fox News

Notwithstanding firing Carlson, Fox News also maintains that for him to start any media ventures of his own before 2024 breaches his non-compete clause.

On the flip side, the former news anchor and his attorneys contend that because Fox News is the one that let him go, the company severed the terms of the non-compete clause.

Time will also tell how this turns out. Though, fans of Carlson argue that Fox News is simply threatened and envious of what he’s able to do without being under their thumb.

Over at Fox, the network chose Jesse Watters to replace Carlson’s timeslot.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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