
Unprecedented Violence Hampers Christian Community in Pakistan

In Jaranwala, Pakistan, the Christian community has been subjected to violent attacks by Muslim mobs. These attacks were sparked by rumors of Quran desecration, causing widespread panic and chaos.

The situation quickly escalated as thousands of enraged Muslims gathered in the city center, hurling stones at churches and setting them on fire.

Homes of the Christian community were also targeted, resulting in significant damage to their property and livelihoods.

Despite the police being alerted immediately, no preventive measures were taken. By the time the authorities arrived, it was too late. Over 400 Christian families fled their homes, leaving behind their looted or destroyed possessions.

This incident is not an isolated one but a reflection of the ongoing struggle for religious freedom in Pakistan. Despite the country’s constitution guaranteeing religious freedom, minority religions continue to face discrimination, persecution, and violence.

The Christian community, which makes up about 1.27% of the total population, has consistently reported social exclusion and economic disparities.

Prominent figures in Pakistan have condemned the attack and called for strict action against those responsible. Allama Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, chairman of the Ulema Council, emphasized that the Muslim state is responsible for protecting the Christian community.

He further stated that those who incite public sentiment and take the law into their own hands should be severely punished.

However, these words of condemnation ring hollow when compared to the reality on the ground. The local police reportedly stood idle while the mob vandalized churches and burned down homes.

This blatant disregard for law and order paints a grim picture of the state of religious freedom in Pakistan.

The government’s response to this crisis has been lackluster at best. Interim Information Minister Amir Mir labeled the violence as a result of a “well-planned conspiracy” and assured that the situation was now under control.

However, these assurances do little to comfort the terrified Christian community, who have lost their homes and places of worship.

The international community has also expressed concern over this incident. The United States, for instance, called for an investigation into the attacks and emphasized the importance of freedom of religion and expression for all.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for the Pakistani government to adopt specific measures and a national action plan to counter extremism, violence, and persecution of minorities.

This article appeared in The Political Globe and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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