
Warning: American Water Contaminated with Hazardous Levels of Deadly Chemicals

Have you ever stopped to think the water that comes out of your tap can pose a high risk to your and your family’s health? It’s not something we’d like to think about, but unfortunately, it’s often true.

A recently released scientific research paper shows a sharp increase in cancer cases and pregnancy complications related to high levels of toxins in drinking water across the U.S.

The recently published peer-reviewed study detected high toxin levels of Per-and-poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) capable of causing several serious diseases, including cancer, as well as birth defects and miscarriages.

PFAS Kills You

The research estimates around 45% of the entire country has high levels of PFAS chemicals in the drinking water of their homes. Contaminated water correlates with several health problems across the country.

The substances contained in drinking water are man-made, are extremely microscopic, and take thousands of years to decompose either in the human body or in the environment.

These altered carbons can’t be processed by your body, nor do they break down in nature, which is why they are known as “forever chemicals.”

Accelerating Reproductive Problems

University of Miami PFAS expert Dr. Alberto J. Caban-Martinez said the high rates of PFAS are directly linked to the increase in people diagnosed with cancer.

Dr. Caban-Martinez also stated the high rates of reproductive problems and babies born well below normal weight are directly linked to contaminated water.

Brown University School of Public Health epidemiologist Dr. Joseph Braun said almost all of us, unfortunately, have been exposed to PFAS from our mothers in utero. That doesn’t mean, however, that we should just complacently accept this shocking news.

The Worst Places in America For Drinking Water

According to the analysis, the 10 worst cities and counties for PFAS levels in the US are:

  1. Brunswick County, North Carolina
  2. The Quad Cities, Iowa
  3. Miami, Florida
  4. Bergen County, New Jersey
  5. Wilmington, N.C.
  6. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  7. Louisville, Ky.
  8. New Orleans, there.
  9. Charleston, S.C.
  10. Decatur, Alabama

It’s highly recommended to research water filters and begin seeking healthier sources of water. Having a healthy body and mind is key to resisting and escaping the globalist plan for America.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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