
WARNING: Democrats Propose Hazardous Alternative to Biden in 2024

Even the Democrats realize Joe Biden is not fit to serve another term. Meanwhile, VP Kamala Harris is a walking nightmare.

So, what’s the alternative? The radical left has a new person in mind, a far-left fanatic who makes Kamala Harris look like a teddy bear.

If it’s not clear yet who I’m speaking about, it’s California Governor Gavin Newsom. This radical-left American Psycho-looking cat is very bad news for the country, even worse than it seems on the surface.

Newsom is a highly skilled politician. He’s shown himself to be one of the few people on the national stage willing to consistently flatter and lie to Biden in a way that pleases the president.

Newsom has also found emotional issues for the left like abortion and gay rights, using them to gain more power, raising enormous amounts of money via various PACs. If he doesn’t run in 2024, Newsom is a shoo-in for 2028.

Though nobody should write him off for 2024 yet, either. This soft-on-crime psychopath is already building up all sorts of fundraising committees that look a lot like somebody getting ready to run.

Newsom has been clear that he doesn’t plan to run in 2024, but if he changes his mind, the various pro-Newsom super PACs on hand would be ready to shell out serious cash in his direction.

This is a man who made his state an abortion “sanctuary” state. This is a man who wants the border open and illegal aliens to replace Americans.

This is a guy who’s willing to use absolutely every dirty trick in the book, including intentionally picking fights with other governors like Ron DeSantis of Florida in order to gain more media attention.

Watch out for Newsom. He’s coming up fast in the rearview mirror and he’s got some very bad plans for America.

This article appeared in Our Patriot and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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