
Was the Mutiny by the Wagner Group a Plot Orchestrated by Western Intelligence Agencies?

There’s been widespread speculation about the mutiny within the Wagner Group, but intelligence agencies have yet to definitively determine who was behind it.

Some believe that Western intelligence agencies orchestrated the mutiny as a distraction. This theory gains support due to the discovery that Prigozhin, who is now missing, had been in contact with Ukrainian military intelligence.

The perfectly timed mutiny

Evidence suggests that this mutiny was planned for at least six months, if not longer.

During this time, the leader of the Wagner Group consistently made false accusations against the Russian military, such as claiming they lacked ammunition and accusing corrupt army leadership of hindering progress in the war against Ukraine.

To the surprise of President Putin, it was discovered that Prigozhin had been playing both sides. He had been meeting with Ukrainian officials since January, even during a trip to Africa where he held a meeting with high-ranking Ukrainian officials.

The situation worsens as there are reports that he was attempting to gain control of other Russian units, which would have made the mutiny appear more credible.

There is damning evidence that suggests Prigozhin coordinated his accusations against Russian military officials to coincide with his meetings with Ukrainian intelligence officials.

Double agent Prigozhin

This raises the possibility that Prigozhin was not a rogue actor, but a national traitor. It is worth noting that the information he provided to NATO regarding the locations of Russian troops was already known to NATO forces and the US.

It is highly likely that Prigozhin was used as bait and a scapegoat by Putin to improve his own image. Putin has faced significant political opposition recently, partly due to the war and his declining health. By thwarting a “coup,” Putin can portray himself as a capable leader and continue the conflict in Ukraine with the backing of the Russian people.

Initially, Prigozhin claimed that the mutiny was a response to Putin’s lies to the Russian people, but he quickly changed his story. He later stated that the attempted coup was merely a protest and not an attempt to overthrow the Russian government. His current whereabouts are unknown, leading to speculation that Putin may have taken action against him. Only time will tell if he resurfaces in the coming months.

This article appeared in The Record Daily and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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