
WATCH: Biden Faces Tough Questions at NATO Summit

President Biden attended a significant NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania this week.

The goal of the meeting was to discuss support for Ukraine and the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO.

However, the summit turned out to be a frustrating and humiliating experience for Biden.

Leaders Ignore Biden to Shake Zelensky’s Hand

During the summit, other world leaders went out of their way to acknowledge and greet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

They even bypassed Biden and disregarded him to greet the Ukrainian president. Biden appeared confused and bewildered as he stood by, irrelevant and ignored.

This is in stark contrast to earlier meetings where former President Trump commanded attention. Trump confidently stood tall while leaders either felt intimidated by him or tried to win his favor.

Zelensky appears more competent and in charge compared to Biden. Zelensky leads a country currently at war for over a year.

If someone had told you that the man being ignored is running for office again in 2024, you would likely respond with skepticism.

Meeting is a Disaster

The summit itself did not go well. Zelensky felt it was a waste of his time considering the strict entry requirements for NATO membership.

He criticized the rules as disrespectful and “absurd”. Zelensky also expressed anger over the empty promises of Ukraine joining NATO, only to be treated poorly in the end.

The focus of the meeting was mostly on Zelensky, while Biden and his incompetent Secretary of State Tony Blinken stood idly, looking foolish.

This administration’s performance has been so poor that it’s sometimes hard to believe they promised competence and effective solutions when they came into office. They have done the opposite.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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