
AI Poses New Threat to Bible

In recent years, there have been discussions about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society. While some view AI as a beneficial tool for improving various aspects of life, work, and society, others have concerns about its potential negative consequences.

Some proponents of AI argue that these concerns are largely unfounded and based on fear. However, there are also proposals for regulations to control the development and use of AI to prevent it from going out of control.

However, there are concerns that AI has already gone too far, as exemplified by an incident reported by the Gateway Pundit.

ChatGPT Takes on the Bible?

It has recently emerged that ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model, is being used by the animal rights organization PETA to rewrite the Bible. PETA’s motivation for this is to remove parts of the Bible that mention animals.

PETA wants animals to be referred to using politically correct terms in the Bible and believes it should promote vegan diets to its readers.

As AI becomes more prevalent in society, it is expected that various groups will attempt to leverage it for their own purposes.

Not So Fast

Unsurprisingly, many Christians are against the idea of an AI rewriting the Bible. People have voiced their opposition on social media, describing it as absurd, even by PETA’s standards.

Critics argue that the animal rights group’s actions are not only harmful but also go against their religious beliefs.

With the use of AI like ChatGPT, it remains to be seen what other controversial uses of artificial intelligence will be proposed in the future.

This article appeared in Watch Dog News and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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