
Americans are Facing Unprecedented Impact from Loneliness

New research shows that a growing number of Americans are living alone, and this trend is having a negative impact on their physical and mental health. Let’s delve into this concerning crisis.

Living with few or no friends and being alone is detrimental to one’s well-being and can shorten their lifespan. Loneliness is a serious issue that needs attention.

30% of Americans Live Alone

New research presented in the book “Going Solo” by Eric Klinenberg highlights the loneliness crisis. According to Klinenberg, approximately 30% of Americans now live alone, the highest rate ever recorded.

Klinenberg, a sociologist at New York University, describes this change as “stunning” and the most significant shift in how people live in the past century.

He emphasizes the urgent need for society to address this change and cope with the challenges that arise from individuals living alone.

This issue is not limited to the elderly; it is also affecting younger people, including children, teenagers, and adults, who find themselves spending more time alone or having fewer friends.

The impact of this trend is significant for society as a whole.

We’re Made To Live in Groups

Whether it’s due to divine creation or evolution, humans are inherently designed to live in groups. Throughout history, from Native American tribes to the Puritans who settled in Plymouth, humans have thrived in communal settings.

In US history, people predominantly lived with their families, and living alone was uncommon. In 1940, only 8% of the population lived alone.

After societal changes in the 1960s, such as the rise of counterculture movements and increased access to abortion, the rate of people living alone rose to 18%.

By 1980, women’s workforce participation surged, leading to more people choosing to live alone, even children spending more time without company.

By 2022, this figure rose to over 29%, and it continues to grow. Factors like declining marriage rates, delayed marriages, lower birth rates, and an aging population exacerbate the problem.

Globalists are aware of this issue and seek to exploit it for their own agenda.

Why This Matters

Europe faces an even more severe situation than America. In Finland, 45% of people live alone; in Germany, 42%; in Sweden, 40%; in Norway, 39%.

Prolonged periods of living alone have a detrimental effect on health, contributing to higher rates of depression and anxiety.

This article appeared in FreshOffThePress and has been published here with permission.

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Written by Western Reader

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